New version plan of Remote Agency

I am excited to announce that Remote Agency will have one major update, version 2 in late this year.

Key features will be included in new version:

  • Speed up by combining serializing.
  • DataContractSerializer will be merged into main library. You can still use your own extended serializer, but this one will be shipped within the main library. Therefore, DataContractSerializer.EasyEncapsulation will be removed from the new version.
  • Reference to Roslyn directly, without CSharpRoslynAgency package.

Compatible issues:

  • If you have your own serializer, you need to rebuild one following new standard.
  • Facade classes will have some minor changes. You need to change your code working with them. In general, the amount of changes in each project will not exceed 10 lines of code.
  • There will be a new event for routing of the messages. The old one still works, but with forcible serialization, like in version 1.

There are many changes to be taken care within Remote Agency. I hope all my rest time in this year can make this change born.


Deploy a dotnet core site on nginx and systemd

This article is about how to deploy an ASP.Net core 3.1 site on nginx and systemd.


  • Prepare a server with nginx and systemd.
  • Install dotnet core support on server. Please check Microsoft site for details.
  • Build the binary files of the site to be deployed.

Step 1: Upload files

Make a folder in the server to be used to store site files. This folder will be marked as <SITEPATH> in all files below.

Upload your site files into this folder.

Give the permission to this folder.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data <SITEPATH>
sudo chmod -R 755 <SITEPATH>

Step 2: Create systemd service

Create a service file. I suggest to put this file in the same folder of the site, aka <SITEPATH>. Let’s name it as myapp. You could change the name.
nano <SITEPATH>/myapp.service and enter this text below:


ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet <SITEPATH>/<ENTRY_FILE>.dll


You should specify the description, port number, site path, entry file (main file), and the name to be used in syslog. Port number need to be different than all used by other services.

Link the file to systemd folder by ln -s <SITEPATH>/myapp.service /etc/systemd/system, reload systemd by systemctl daemon-reload, then start the service by systemctl start myapp.service. If everything goes will, you can see the port is listed in lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN. At last, set this service to start with system by systemctl enable myapp.service.

Step 3: Create nginx site.

Create the site file in sites-available folder by nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/<YOUR_SITE_NAME>, and enter this text below:

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
    server_name <SERVER_DOMAIN>;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:<PORT_NUMBER>;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

You should specify the server domain name and the port number which is chosen for this app.

Link the file to enabled sites by ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/<YOUR_SITE_NAME> /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. Test config by nginx -t. If there is nothing wrong, apply the setting by systemctl reload nginx.

Further: Certbot

If you want to use certbot to apply a free ssl certificate to this site, the nginx plugin shipped with certbot can handle that without any problem. Use certbot with the nginx parameter to finish this job: certbot --nginx.

Generate password node for SoftEther config file

Recently, I wrote an C# project for connect all devices from clients of my company to the server for remotely fault detection. SoftEther is chosen for underlying network solution.

The maintenance engineers don’t want to use the GUI of SoftEther to create profiles for each clients. A project is required for generating config files.

The only problem is how SoftEther store the password. I dig a lot and got the answer.

  • Password is encrypted by SHA0 on password + USERNAME in capital.
  • NTLM related password is encrypted by MD4.


Here is the password node generating project, based on C#, dotnet core 3. Actually, the code is tested on dotnet core 2 and netfx 4 also.

GPIO support is not fully launched in dotnet core 3 currently

I’m developing using dotnet core on Raspberry Pi.

After the dotnet core 3 launched finally, I rushed to the released version from the preview one. Some package I used, like System.Devices.Gpio, was published in dotnet-corefxlab under myget. Now I can find it on nuget.

But, sadly, the current version of System.Device.GPIO (not Devices, but Device) in nuget seems contains only abstract classes. The UnixSpiDevice, GpioPin and something useful are missing in the version of nuget. Now I have to turn back to use the preview version on myget.

Good thing to know is, the preview version of Gpio supports dotnet core 3 with no problem.

MSDN Magazine

It says MSDN Magazine is ended.

Here is the MSDN Magazine collection. All files are mainly downloaded from official site.

The issues listed below are replaced by the versions from emails due to reason specified.

  • 2018 Jan version: Wrong link to 2017 Jan.
  • 2018 Connect(); Missing link
  • 2019 July: 404 link
  • 2019 October: Not published yet.
  • 2019 November: Not published yet.