Welcome to the Remote Hub
Remote Hub is the solution for connecting Remote Agency sites.
Released Packages
SecretNest.IRemoteHub – Interfaces, delegates and shared classes of Remote Hub.
SecretNest.IRemoteHub.Redis – Interfaces of Remote Hub based on Redis database.
SecretNest.IRemoteHub.Stream – Interfaces of Remote Hub based on streams.
SecretNest.RemoteHub.RedisAdapter – Adapter of Remote Hub based on Redis database.
SecretNest.RemoteHub.Redis – Remote Hub based on Redis database.
SecretNest.RemoteHub.StreamAdapter – Adapter of Remote Hub based on streams.
SecretNest.RemoteHub.Stream – Remote Hub based on streams.
SecretNest.RemoteHub.SwitchDirect – Remote Hub for attaching to local switch instance directly.
SecretNest.RemoteHub.Switch – A switch for connecting adapters and routing messages.
Issues, Requests and Source Code
Issues and requests tracking are hosted at Github, source code of all libraries licensed under MIT as well.
SecretNest.RemoteHub packages are licensed under MIT. You can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. Source code is available at Github.
You are very welcome to donate me using Bitcoin (Wallet: 1CS4DL9pzMGoUiU6ibB1dMNn9VqhYnLkar).