



  1. 在内网的任何一台电脑上访问http://4006024680.com:9000/getsysinfo。如果你已经知道路由器的IP(默认为192.168.199.1),而且你的DNS未设置为默认,也可以直接使用路由器的IP地址代替4006024680.com的部分。浏览器会返回一行文字,其中一个引号中包括了6位英文和数字的组合。将其复制下,不包括引号。
  2. 访问迅雷远程下载网站http://yuancheng.xunlei.com。左侧上方找到添加按钮,输入复制的文字即可完成绑定。
  3. 之后就可以直接使用迅雷客户端或者迅雷的远程下载网站来分配任务了。并不需要在路由器中再进行绑定的操作。

Drobo 5D is not trustworthy

By believing the ad from Drobo, I brought a Drobo 5D June 2013. I installed a Plextor PX-128M5M as an SSD Cache and 5 WD30EFRX for storing with 2 disks redundancy. For using with OSX, I format it with HFS+ in Drobo Dashboard.

After 2 weeks, it’s failed. The partition cannot be mounted, neither fixed by OSX. After checked by engineer from DiskWarrior, I know the partition is too severely damaged and not possible to recover. I contact the support of Drobo. After 45 days waiting, I get the respond. The problem is partition-related (offset) and should be fixed by firmware 3.0.5. But the my Drobo 5D is shipped with firmware 3.0.7. Finally, the Drobo says there is no way to repo in the lab, and I lost all my home videos for 5 years.

For preventing this issue again, I rebuilt the partition and sent the log to Drobo engineer. After checking the log, the engineer confirmed it’s looks great now.

But, it’s failed again after 2 months. Same behavior, same problem confirmed by DiskWarrior. The funny thing is the support engineer from Drobo. After I submit the ticket again, first response is:

“Western Digital has emailed customers warning them about possible data loss issues between external hard drives and the latest version of Apple’s Mac software, OS X Mavericks (10.9).” taken from this article below:

On another note, not sure whether it is related, your mSATA card may not be entirely compatible, it is not found from the list shown here:

Should I worry about WD software? I guess not. for mSATA SSD cache thing, the PX-128M5M removed from the supported list, without any explanation, and not be put in to incompatible list either. It’s just gone.

After I tell the support I didn’t use WD software but Drobo Dashboard and prove the PX-128M5M WAS on the compatible list by searching mirroring sites, Drobo does like before, just ignore you and do not reply any more.

Now, this Drobo 5D is on my shelf to warn me and my friend: NEVER BUY THE DROBO PRODUCTS.

请将希捷硬盘投入回收站(Seagate 1.5T CC1H 无法格式化)





