TFS 2015 Upgrading

There are 2 things you should have in mind about TFS 2015 Upgrading.

1 The database upgrading process will cost much more time than upgrading among Update package of TFS 2013.

2 The dedicated SharePoint integration package is removed and M$ did a shit test again. If you, like me, installed TFS on a server other than SharePoint cluster, now you have to install the whole TFS on all SharePoint servers. After the installation, the upgrading wizard will be popped up but it will failed due to no database can be found. You have to choose to install SharePoint integration role yourself. And after that, you will know that TFS SharePoint integration package 2013 will NOT and NOT ABLE to be removed, lol, just another piece of crap.

Zevera may NOT be a good choice

For downloading from multiple file hosts, I tried Zevera for a short while.

It’s failed to deal with the URL including encoded characters. For others, it acts quite slow (1~10KB/sec) to my home. I know each software and website has its limitation and I don’t plan to blame Zevera at the beginning.

I googled to try to get a refund after my test. Why I have to google for that? Coz there is no link on their page for refunding and the link provided from the support forum is wrong. Here is the policy I got:

If you are not satisfied with your premium account you can request a refund in the first 5 days if you haven’t downloaded more than 8 GB or more than 10 different files.

At the moment I emailed them, it’s just 2 hours passed from my payment, and no more than 5 files nor 500MB data is downloaded. Since the day I write this, after 7 days, no response, no refund, nothing.

After 3 days, I mail them to get a support about refund and provide a link that cannot be downloaded. The sad thing is after the mail sent, the host of that link died. One day later, the response of that email is the link is dead and “Your refund request cannot be approved at this time.” Yes, you get it, as they said “if you are not satisfied” is not a reason acceptable at all. I replied the mail with another link with encoded characters in URL, no response again.

If you find there is something wrong and prove to them, they will just ignore you. If you want a refund with your problem, they will not accept that.

How many people in the same boat? I don’t know. Because talking about refund in official forum is not allowed. “REFUND REQUEST – All topics with refund request will be deleted!” as they said.




  1. 尽管不能运行,但感觉怎么样?
  2. 你的机器中可能有病毒吧!
  3. 肯定有人改了我的代码。
  4. 程序可以运行,但是没被测试过。
  5. 已经做好了,还没测试。
  6. 我不是已经改了吗?
  7. 这个怎么能做呢?
  8. 我不可能测试每一项啊!
  9. 正巧给碰上了错!
  10. 根本就没时间做。
  11. 当然我还得修改。
  12. 差不多了!
  13. 哦,这不过是一个功能。
  14. 你肯定操作错了。
  15. 是是,一定及时/按时完成。
  16. 我没动过那个模块!
  17. 你的测试数据有问题。
  18. 那个用户又犯错了。
  19. 操作系统升级了吗?
  20. 这台机器好象有问题。
  21. 这怎么可能!
  22. 恩,程序还需要一些修改。
  23. 昨天还好好的,……
  24. 我从来没听过……
  25. 奇怪……







  1. 既然接受了罗的约架,就应该准备好,罗绝对不会谈任何技术上的问题。技术上的问题是实打实的,这问题只能在律师取整和审判庭上进行。现实约架比的是体力,网络约架比的是应变力和口才。在打架的时候讲道理,您这真的是来捧哏的。
  2. 既然不谈技术问题,那王就应该知道,罗会使用一个中国人最善用的逻辑来进行攻击,即,如果我无法在事实证据上驳倒你,我就揣测你的动机;如果动机上还是找不到确切证据,那我就攻击你的人品。王显然是没有对这些东西做应对的材料准备和口头演练,被罗打到毫无还口之力。
  3. 既然已经提前知道了自己视频确实有问题,为何不事先公布勘误呢。


  1. 在背板开关问题上,事实认定错误,王也完成了道歉。但罗在此事确实有理。
  2. 在海绵贴纸问题上,事实认定是它阻隔了散热,评论分析王有明显的引导观众,使其认为是设计缺陷。但评论分析是没有所谓对错之分的。就如同买了一份报纸,里面的事实描述是正确的,但是评论则是报纸的观点。这份媒体又不是强制收看,评论没有所谓的强加性。这也正是罗没有办法启用法律途径的原因。
  3. 在石墨贴纸问题上,事实认定错误。虽然手机散热差是事实,但把石墨贴纸空隙当做散热的原因是不对的。可惜王没有把握到这个问题的本质,在约架的时候被罗抓住攻击这个点,而忽略了它存在的原因——散热问题。
  4. 在色彩还原设备测试上,事实认定错误。错误的使用了测试工具,得出的数据并不代表有效感官。
  5. 在屏幕可视角测试上,存在疏忽。虽然我们不知道是否是有意为之,不过这样做确实加剧了效果。在测试媒体上,这种行为是不够严谨的。





Change the host mode again

I’ve just change this site from VM based Windows Azure into a Web site based mode to mitigate the jobs for maintenance.

It still slow and not stable as predictable.

Azure service is really not good, especially for PHP+MySQL.

Server Migrated

I’ve migrated this site from my server in Japan to a Windows Azure hosted server in Hong Kong. OS of server has also been changed from CentOS to Windows. Hope it works well.

Theme is changed coz the old one is not compatible with IIS…

Update: New server (Windows Azure A1) is really really slower than the previous one hosted by Linode.

Update 2: Sometimes, Windows Server 2012 R2 is not responded. None of network connection can be made, including RDP and HTTP.  Azure says it’s still running. After a manually reboot, get lots of network related errors in event log like:

The VM and host networking components failed to negotiate protocol version ‘5.0’
The VM and host networking components successfully negotiated protocol version ‘4.0’
Miniport NIC ‘Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #4’ connected
The miniport ‘Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #4’ was successfully initialized
Miniport NIC ‘Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #4’ restarted