I have some hyper-v servers with broadcom NICs. Due to lack of UI (device manager and property window of NIC), it’s not easy to enable Jumbo Frame (MTU9000) setting.
After a google dig and some experiment, I find a way to achieve that.
- Install BACS (Broadcom Advanced Control Suite). You may want to use this tool for creating team also. Remember the 4-digit number within brackets before the NIC you want to change MTU.
- Open regedit, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\(4-digit-number-of-NIC) on the left panel, you will get a value named “*JumboMTU” on the right. Change it to 9014 or any other value you need.
- Type this command “netsh int ipv4 sh int” to list all network. Remember the Name of the connection you want to change MTU.
- Type this command to change it to 9000 or any other value. The value should be the value you’ve set in step 2, minus 14:
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface “Connection Name” mtu=9000 store=persistent - Reboot to apply.